Kinłani Mutual Aid Online Workshops Registration
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Online workshops: April 2022
Wednesdays at 6:00p-7:30p (Flagstaff, AZ time)
*Some workshop sizes will be limited. Schedule subject to change!
Hosted by organizers with Kinłani Mutual Aid, Indigenous Action and guests.
This series of workshops and discussions is for those who wish to actively engage more directly in mutual aid organizing in and around our community and dig into how we can be more effective in the face of the compounded crises of COVID, colonialism, and capitalism.
While we’re emphasizing local and regional BIPOC participation, this series is open to all. Much of the content will be focused on our direct experiences and organizing in our area. We will also have guest presenters from other mutual aid crews.
Topics and schedule:
Wed. April 13 – Mutual Aid: What it is & what it isn’t.
Want to get more directly involved in mutual aid organizing, build your existing efforts, or start a project? This workshop will explore the principle of mutual aid, strategies & tactics, lessons learned, & challenge co-optation by non-profits & charity based organizations.
Presenters: Dean Spade, legal scholar, organizer, and author of the book Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis and the Next, and representatives from Indigenous Mutual Aid and Kinłani Mutual Aid.
Dean Spade is a legal scholar, organizer, and author of the book Mutual Aid: Building Solidarity During this Crisis and the Next.
Regeneration on the Reservation are a two-spirit couple organizing mutual aid on the Wind River Reservation home to The Northern Arapaho and Earth Shoshone.
Kinłani/Flagstaff Mutual Aid is an all-volunteer community response to the threat of Covid-19.
Wed. April 20 – Beyond Allyship: Unsettling settlers towards more meaningful support & solidarity.
Not sure when & where to step up and step back?
In this workshop we will dig into regional (occupied Northern Arizona) challenges with organizing Indigenous-led projects, settler
colonialism, and white supremacy.
Presenters: Klee Benally and reps from Indigenous Action.
Wed. April. 27 – Everyday Direct Action: Collective & autonomous organizing.
What is and isn’t a collective? What’s direct action? How can we organize outside non-profit & charity-based models?
In this session we will explore the principle of Direct Action, challenge hierarchical models of organizing and provide perspectives on building collectivity and autonomy.
Presenters: TBA