Neighborhood Pods How-To
As things get harder, we show up for our neighbors. We are trying to build a network of many neighborhood pods across Kinlani/Flagstaff.
If you do not see your neighborhood represented on the map to the right, please sign up to be your Neighborhood Point Person (NPP). This means you’d take on the responsibility of reaching out to your neighbors, coordinating a neighborhood group chat or phone tree, and staying in touch with the other point people for resource sharing.
If you do see an NPP listed, please contact them using the info on the map.
Template from
How to start your pod
- Fill out this survey here or on the right to volunteer as a Neighborhood Point Person (NPP)
- Name your pod: Pick a descriptive name.
Building your pod:
- Download and print our Pod outreach cards. In Spanish here. You can also pick up copies at Táala Hooghan Infoshop 1704 N. 2nd St, Flagstaff, AZ 86004. (Other versions of Pod outreach cards here:
- Create a group chat for your neighborhood and as people text you, add them to the group. We recommend WhatsApp but whatever works for you all.
- Troubleshoot as needed – helping folks connect and get set up if they need it, answering questions, and asking neighbors to help bring more people in.
- Neighborhood Pods should be between 5 and 30 or so, if there are more than 30 neighbors interested, figure out how to split up into two pods.
- Stay in touch with folks. Get a sense of what support needs may come up in your pod. Share wider-community resources.
Connecting to other pods:
- Email us directly at to connect with other pods. We will add you to a group email list (possibly a Slack channel in the future as we grow). You may want to ask for resources that your pod doesn’t have, ask for advice, share successes, or offer ideas to others.
- You can also post Pod info, offers, and requests on the Facebook group here:
Check these resources for more info about Pods and Pod Mapping:
Neighborhood Pods How-To:
Pod Mapping for Mutual Aid: