Our water was recently shut off by the City of Flagstaff and we need your help to get it back on.
As utility companies have started shut offs, we had our electricity and water shut down. We managed to pay for the electricity but our water bill is overwhelming. It is over $10,000!
Throughout the past year and a half we prioritized all resources towards direct mutual aid support. Since there was a hold on utility shut offs we deprioritized them, this of course meant that our bills piled up.
We are working to determine why it was so high but assume that we missed a leak that has been running for some time. The City of Flagstaff, who provides the water service, is not offering any relief.
We are used to lacking basic utilities as some of our coordinators grew up and still have families who live without running water or electricity. So far we have managed to haul water and rely on our limited gray water system while maintaining our stringent COVID-19 safety and sanitizing protocols. Our garden has a rainwater collection system but it has been depleted quickly.
We are very resourceful and have focused any fundraising or donation efforts in the past in very specific ways.
We would appreciate any donation amount to assist us in getting our water restored.
We are also open to donations of solar energy equipment to reduce our connectivity to APS’s electric grid.
Ways to donate:
Venmo: @kinlanimutualaid
Paypal: www.paypal.com/paypalme/indigenousaction (please add the note: KMA Water)
You can also mail or deliver donations to Táala Hooghan Infoshop at 1704 N 2nd St, Flagstaff, AZ 86004.
You can also mail donations to:
Kinłani Mutual Aid
809 W. Riordan Road Ste 100-324
Flagstaff, AZ 86001.
About Kinłani/Flagstaff Mutual Aid (KMA):
KMA is an all-volunteer community response to the threat of COVID-19. We have organized a hub to coordinate volunteers to collect and distribute necessary resources to those most vulnerable in our community and support unsheltered relatives. This group is created for autonomous relief organizing based on the principles of mutual aid, solidarity, and direct action.
KMA is for members of the Flagstaff community to volunteer (including outlying neighborhoods — from Timberline and Doney to Kachina and Mountainaire) to offer skills, resources, supplies, space and time to community members who are most vulnerable among us.
KMA Goals:
Stop the spread of COVID-19 in our communities by safely providing direct support and essential supplies for those most vulnerable particularly Indigenous, Indigenous healers, immunocompromised, poor, and unsheltered relatives.
Promote, build, and support long-term capacity of our communities to be interdependent outside of the state, municipalities, Tribal governments, and corporations.